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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Mummy Masks and

Hey Jammers! I'm not going to do the blog schedule yet, sorry.
Anyways the new SCARY mask is the Mummy Mask.
Sold for 250 Gems.

The Mummy mask is cool, it's a different color, but I like to choose my favorite one on there.

AJHQ posted on their awesome blog...

Anyways, I have chosen to do a signature, but which should I do?
I'll number the 4 you can choose from here: 




Comment down below which one you think is good! Then i'll pick it and give you a prize, if you put ur username to in the comment...
Happy Jamming!

NOTE: You can comment anytime you want, I don't bite c:

ALSO NOTE: Giving scary bats away so hurry put your username in the comments if you want some.


  1. First comment!
    I love all. I think no. 1 is the best. :D
    Oh, and where do you make them? Pwease tell mew. :)

    1. Aww. It's on facebook, is there any other way? x3

    2. Hi, I do hope you read your blog. I have a question. Why did the guy Brb Aj hate you and be terrible to you. Thanks if you reply. Also I hope we can email each other sometime. Toodles!! -minecraftmitus

  2. Yay! I'm ze first person to follow the blog. :D
    I love your blog. It's really neat and not so blurry like mine. XD
    Anyways, check out mine. It's

  3. Wow i don't know which one is best!!! They are all so cool!!! I think the first 1 is the best for this month, because Halloween is near! But I also like numbers 2 and 3.

  4. Awesome blog Chocolateh and kewl user. If u peeps dont mind check out mai blog cuz I dont know...I wanna be like snowyclaw so ya.............. PS #3 rocks and #4 does too


Rules for your comments:
1. Please don't bully, or use hateful words to one another.
2. Please don't swear, I don't tolerate that.
3. Have Fun, show respect to other people, and enjoy!

Herp A Derp It's A Curmment.